Tuesday 15 September 2015


Connotation of WeaknessOne was the connotation of weakness but struggled to come up with anything at the time so I based it on a google image that would represent it well. This image informs the audience of how weak and vulnerable the character is due to using a low angle shot. From this we are able to see that they are in danger and having her lower than the men, we get a sense of panic come across us due to how the camera is positioned. I believe this is a good example of showing weakness towards the audience and having their face no showing also allows us to dread what is happening to hear and how vulnerable the character is.

Connotation of Fear
We were unable to think of a good idea for fear so I found this image over the internet that to me is a good interpretation of fear. From this photo we are able to see it is a long/medium shot and is able to show how fear comes across differently to people. The facial expressions and the positioning of hands tells the audience that these people are scared and are either hiding or screaming. This is a successful shot due to how it shows different states of fear and how people react to it.

Connotation of Danger
From this specific connotation we were inspired by the previous work we did on shadows and the power they have in a scene. From the previous work we decided to keep it simple and did the shadow of a hand submerged in light within a dark hallway to give the appearance of danger. This instantly allows people to be alarmed and panicked by what they can see and the use of shadows intensifies the experience of danger. I found that our group worked well to create this image and with the use of a low angle shot we are able to make the audience feel small and vulnerable whilst the hand looks sinister and threatening.

Connotation of Friendship
For this photograph we wanted to keep it simple and decided to do a medium shot of two people talking and smiling to represent friendship. As a group we were pleased with how this turned out due to the facial expressions seeming happy and not threatening. The figures bodies appear relaxed and not tensed or alarmed. The medium shot allows us to see all this with just showing the waist to the head and a little of the background. Altogether the interpretation of this image appears like two friends meeting up for the day.

Connotation of Purity
The connotation of purity we looked at in two different ways. For image one shown above we first thought of the symbol of a dove due to it being symbolic and pure. This image was not one of our most successful but I liked the way we tried to look at it. Our intentions were to get the outline of a dove with a group members hands in the middle of the light to signify a hopeful and pure creature due to the amount of light portrayed in the photo. This would then give the interpretation of it being heavenly and worked well with a low angle shot.

Our second way of looking at purity was through water. We took a close up shot of water flowing from a tap to signify the importance of water and how life only thrives with this liquid. The close up shot worked well for this due to being able to see the clear water flowing showing it is nothing but water representing its purity.

Connotation of Desire
We really struggled on what would be a good image to connote desire in general, so began to piece it apart of what could represent the desire of something. From thinking of this we thought of various things like the desire of love or the desire of power would be good ways to capture some aspect of desire. As a group we chose the desire of power and did a high angle shot with a figure pounding his fist into the air. From this we are able to connote the drive and the motivation coming from this person as he is wanting to succeed and thrive through his way to a higher power.

Connotation of Greed
For greed we focused on the want and need for food instead of items and possessions. For this we did a medium shot to show the figure clinging to the shutter with the food on the other side. With this shot we focus on the facial expression and the hands being tense on the shutters. With these being in place we were able to connote the thought of the person wanting something he is unable to get and the sense of being greedy in place.

Connotation of Strength
For the connotation of strength we struggled to find a way of showing it through a camera angle and after a long thought came across this as being our only successful idea. We did a long shot to portray the figure lifting the car and having it balanced on his back. I found this image was difficult to do in order to make it look realistic and would do this image again into something simpler like a fist fight or holding lots of books. We felt that we had achieved an image that showed what we were trying to do but failed in making it a strong photo to represent the connotation of strength. Even though this was not our most successful image, it represents what we were trying to achieve in a more challenging angle and I am pleased that we were able to think of something different compared to the other groups.

Connotation of Poverty
This was one of my favourite photos that we took as a group. For this we wanted to represent the notion of poverty and found that we were able to do well with this. For our image we decided to get one of our group members to hunch over on the ground on the opposite side of the fence to represent the restrictions and limitations that some people have within society. We shot this with a long shot that was close up to his body and found it really worked well to capture a sad and unsettled character. Altogether this photo is able to show the connotation of poverty due to the blank face that looks away from the camera and the hunched body trapped behind fencing.

Connotation of Love
This image was to reflect love and we used a close up shot to capture this feeling. Our shot was to show a bond and did this with two people from our group holding hands as a form of support. We found that the use of the shadows in the background was also a good way to represent a couple. In the end our group wanting to create the approach of their being love and the bond that a couple have together and found that this image was able to show this successfully.

Connotation of Loneliness
For this connotation we decided to do a long shot angle. I found this to be one of our successful pieces due to how the figure is placed on one side of the image. With this it appears that he is alone with the rest of the image being nothing but a blank field with no signs of life on it. The image appears a little too light but found that we achieved making an image look lonely, due to how small and distant the figure is.

Connotation of Wealth
The first photograph we took was to represent the connotation of wealth.
We placed the camera at a low angle to show the figure overlooking his achievements. We were trying to achieve the impression of a man overlooking his successes and how mighty and powerful he appears. I find this works due to his hands being open, his arms stretched and the camera being low.
The only reason I find this does not work is how far away the camera is from the figure and also the stance of the figure besides the building too. If we were able to do this shot again I would have the camera closer towards the figure but also have him closer to the building to make it look a lot bigger and dramatic.

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