Wednesday 9 December 2015

Depict Assignment - Reflective Post

For the first two weeks we focused on adapting our idea and began to move onto the paperwork. For this we had to do a story board, shot list, props, costumes, and more. The only problem a few of us had was if our idea would fit within 90 seconds. Throughout the production paperwork we had Declan do the storyboard and talent releases, Jack on props and costumes and letter to the police, and Ross and I on other pieces of paperwork such as budgeting and the risk assessments. At first the paperwork was slow but we began to get use to the terms and understand what we had to do.

The next few weeks we began to set out on filming and went to the locations of the docks and at the college. However due to Declan being away for a week we had to improvise with completing bits of paperwork that wasn't finished and start to work on our blogs. We also tried to get scenes with different people to act as college students to get some sort of filming done.
When Declan did return we began to get to work on the filming that we were lacking of compared to the other groups. On the first day we focused around the college but struggled with getting any clips that were not out of focus or over exposed. For these scenes we worked near one of the entrances at the side at the college to get the impression of students attending lessons. We also tried to get filming of talking to mates about his brother. This was some success due to getting a good amount of footage even though half of it was over exposed and/or blurry.
 The second day we went to the docks to get the clips of the shooting and found it was a success. On this day however we had to do an extra piece of paperwork for the production which was informing the police we had a fake gun whilst filming. We managed to get a decent amount of shots to work within our multi-media and found we did not have to retake any of these scenes. For this we had the older brother discussing with his friends the problem with his brother at home and the hassle of another alcoholic. This took us all lesson and as we re-watched the footage we knew what needed to be done and how to shoot it. To do this one of our members had to were a coloured East Norfolk CREW shirt to inform the public we were shooting and not causing any harm to members of the public or ourselves.
The last few days we focused on getting the scenes in between the docks and the arriving to college. This was stuff like the phone call, the walking to class and the graveyard scene. Whilst some of our group were filming this, the rest of our group stayed to begin editing so we knew what scenes had to be re-shot.
The final day of filming we focused on any scenes that needed to be redone whilst the rest of our group got on with the editing.

The editing work took a lot longer than expected due to a lot of the scenes not working and members of our group not wearing the same clothing. For the first editing day, Jack and Declan worked on editing and Ross and I did the editing on the second day. On these two days we focused on getting the scenes in the right order and cutting the clips to make them short enough. Whilst other members of the group were editing, we began looking for music for the work and/or worked on our production work to go on blogger.
On the third day of editing however, we moved onto re-shooting any scenes that didn't work for our piece. This took a lot longer than expected due to the amount of things needed to be redone. On the last few days however we managed to create a production piece and added the music that other group members found and eventually our work began to come together. The first piece of music was found by Declan which was a slow calming sound that we put over the college scenes.
However do to not placing some of the music on the correct document, Jack, Ross and I had to find another song that would go over the docks scene that would suit the short film.
The final day was placing all the film, music and sound affects of the gun and punch onto the mac and finished with Jack putting in the title and credits.
The only problem with the piece was that it failed to tell the audience the full story due to it being so short and our group lacked communication and being able to listen to each other. If we did this, I believe we would have been more successful.

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