Wednesday 25 November 2015

Depict Assignment - Pre-production

Initial Idea Post

 After being placed into our groups, we began to discuss what each of us came up with. After talking about each one we began to pick out the bits that we liked from each of the ideas. We all liked crime and the notion of family, so made that as our key elements to making our 90 second film.
In the end we came up with the idea that was focused on two brothers and their lives. One brother, the youngest, was still in education; whilst the older brother was an alcoholic. To make our idea work with such a short length, we gave the idea of it being a documentary to provide the audience enough detail on how both the brothers lives are. We will end the clip with the older brother dying due to gang related crimes and show how crime causes a lot of families to break apart. This idea enabled us to have enough shock and suspense that normally happens when crimes occur.

Shot List

Here is the shot list from our groups idea. For this we colour coordinated particular scenes and added the type of shot, the amount of dialogue and sound that was in the shot and what the audience would see. (Done by Jack and Declan)

Story Boards 

This is the full layout of our story board we created. For each part of the story board we added a drawing, the location, the dialogue or sound needed and what can be seen in this shot. (Done by Declan, Jack and Rebecca)

Location Recce Ideas/Photos

For our first location image we have photos of the college and outside the college. Whilst in our first location we focused on being around the west block of the college and the outside of college. 

This is the second location that my group chose to have. Here we shot the parts of the film with the older brother meeting his friends and having the fight. (Done by Jack)

Location Releases

This is the first location release that focuses on the west wing of East Norfolk Sixth Form College. For this we had to inform people when we were shooting, what times we were shooting and where we would be shooting. There was also the details of the location we were at and who to contact as well. (Done by Rebecca)

This is the second location release form we had to do in the group. For this we applied the same amount of information as we did to the first one and when we would be shooting the scenes. (Done by Rebecca)

For the final location release ideas we wrote about Gorleston docks. For this we added where we would be on this location and the distance we had to make to get to this spot. (Done by Rebecca)

Releases for Talent

These are the talent releases that we had to do before we began shooting. Each one of the group had to sign and agree to being part of the production. For each of these agreement forms we had to add our address, our age and our mobile number. For members of our group that were not over 18 they also had to get a parent or guardian to agree to them being in the production. (Done by Ross, Declan and Rebecca)

Budgeting Sheet

Here is the budgeting sheet we had to do to show how much our production would cost. For each of these we added the props and costumes that would be needed and the predicted price for each item. This also shows the details of the journeys we would have to do and the total amount needed for the production. Below is also the Props and Costume list that shows all that we needed throughout our production. (Done by Ross and Rebecca)

Risk Assessments 

Here are the risk assessments that our group had to fill out for both of our locations. One for the college and the other for the docks. For each one we had to add what potential dangers there could be, what we had to do to prevent them as well as what further actions would we do whilst filming. (Done by Ross and Rebecca)

Police Email 

Our group had to write an email to the police due to having a fake gun outside of college. For this we had to explain the exact location and time that we would be at the docks so the police could be informed. To also make the public aware of what we were doing we had to wear "crew" coloured shirts.
This is what we wrote within our letter:

Dear whom it may concern,

We are BTEC Media students, at East Norfolk Sixth Form College and we are intending to film a short piece at the following locations over the next week:
·       Gorleston high street 
·       East Norfolk Sixth Form College
·       Riverside Road Gorleston

There will only be four of us in our group and we would only expect to be filming for a short while at each location on 12 November.

During filming at Riverside Road, we will be using a prop firearm at the location. However, we will take caution when filming and only have the prop in sight when filming. We will also be wearing ‘crew’ t-shirts in a variety of colours to make it obvious we are making a film. The use of our cameras and microphones will also make it clear to any pedestrians that it is all-pretend. 

Our teachers have asked us to inform you of this, as a courtesy, as part of our health and safety preparations for our first project.  In future we will only contact you if our shooting involves more personnel or is in a more sensitive or crowded area.

Yours Sincerely,Jack Hargreaves, Ross ley Bunn, Rebecca Berry and Declan Scott

Production Schedule

Here is the production schedule that shows what particular scenes we are doing for our production work. For each part we had to say where we would be and what props, personnel and equipment we would need for each scene. We also had the time and dates of each day we would be working at the locations. (Done by Rebecca)

1 comment:

  1. You have generated thorough and comprehensively detailed pre-production documentation for a specific media production, working independently to professional expectations.
