Thursday 21 April 2016

Evaluation for TV Advert

The Brief
The brief for this topic was to create a short advert re-branding a particular product made by Unilever. For the new advert we had the choice of what we wanted to change to the particular product such as target audience, gender, age and use of the product. We set out to make our own Prezi on a product we wanted to change from the Unilever website. For several lessons we focused on getting information about Unilever and working on our Prezi of our product. For ours we focused on re-branding Impulse spray for women and focused making it a feminine spray that men could use as well as just women. When it came to choosing what product to re-brand, we looked at each group members idea and discussed which one would be the most intriguing and interesting advert to promote to a different audience. In the end we selected Impulse due to the fun side of a man working out in a gym and his face being hidden the whole time until the end. We wanted the advert to appear serious at the same time of being funny towards the audience. The advert originally was selected for women of all ages but appealed mainly to young teenagers to adults, but after discussing the brand to the group we chose to focus on selecting a different gender all together to make the advert more interesting.

The Finished Product and Feedback

After we had finished our advert we began to create questions that would be suitable within a survey. For this we had to come up with ten questions to ask people on what they thought of our advert. Examples of this would be your age, your gender and what they thought about the advert as a whole. Once we had completed the questions we sent them to a range of people that we would be able to get feedback from for our evaluation. From looking back at the feedback provided I can see that most of my audience we students and they found the advert to be different to normal spray adverts. The feedback that I received back also stated that the music was catchy and that they would consider buying the product. Most of the feedback was from male students which meant that the advert was a good promotion for a male spray created originally for women.
From looking back at the advert and the feedback altogether I found that a lot of people understood that it was a male working out in a gym with wearing make up on also. I think the advert had an appropriate impact on some people due to how they responded with honest feedback and said they would buy the product.

Throughout the advert we focused on using different camera angles to get a smooth and successful video. When it came to the beginning of the video we focused on getting a lot of close up shots of particular parts of the actors body to show him working out and to also not show his face. Examples of this would be the actor running on the treadmill with only his feet being shown. As we continued with filming we began to add more different angles towards our piece. When it came to the actor leaving the gym we did a tracking shot to follow him down the stairs and through the doorway before doing a match on shot of him opening the door. This is where you take a long shot of someone opening the door and then use a close up/extreme close up to show the actors hand opening the door. For the rest of the advert we focused on getting close ups to show the spray and a more funny side with showing the actor wearing make up.

After we had got all of the shots we wanted for the advert we began to take it in turns with members of our group to edit the pieces together. The first task was for us to get all our clips in the right order after we had converted them onto the computer. Whilst one person was editing the scenes together, other members began to look for sound fx as well as music to go over the scenes. Each lesson we changed the person editing the advert and focused on making sure they all connected well together and that the music combined well with the work we did. If there was anything that didn't go well in the advert we would either remove it or re-shoot the part of the advert. To conclude on the editing we all took an equal share of combining, adding and re-shooting towards the group project.

When it came to adding music into our finished edited advert, we all discussed what we thought would be the best type to have in it. Before we made the advert we knew we wanted no dialogue to be present to the audience just the use of music and sound fx. For the music we had discussed having a motivated and upbeat type of music and chose to go with an old fashioned style to go with the workout. The only sound fx that we decided to have in the advert was a high pitched ding to imply a wink and a boom when the bottle of Impulse hit the bench.

In the beginning of the advert we see a lot of scenes placed in the gym and various equipment being used throughout the scene. We also displayed a picture of a sign saying "Gym members only" at the start of the advert to allow the audience to know where the setting was for the advert. We also allowed the audience to see the actor leave down the stairs and through the hallway when it came to leaving that area and made it an easy transition of the actor moving from one area to the next. When it came near to the end of the advert we focused on making the actor look like he was in a changing room with showing him go into the particular room, put clothing on and spray himself with the product. In conclusion to our advert we focused on using close ups to allow the audience to see why we hid the actors face up, to reveal that he had make up and was expressing his feminine style; before concluding with an extreme close up of the product on the bench with the graphics surrounding it.

The Content and the Overall Purpose

When looking back at the finished advert I found that our product met the specified audience of males due to how we made the title appeal to them as well as portraying a man spraying himself with the product. Throughout our narrative/storyboard we focused on portraying a lot of typical manly stereotypes that most men do when going to the gym. After showing a great deal of detail with the gym scenes we focused on showing a more feminine side to the male with having him use the spray and wearing make up.
One of the key features we had to make the advert more persuasive to the audience was using fast action music to make it seem happy and enjoyable. The use of the music all the way through the advert allows the audience to see it is a positive advert that is selling something to intrigue them to buy it.This stand-alone advert portrays humourous and dramatic scenes that allow the audience to enjoy what they are watching.
This advert is also a sex appealing advert due to how it improves beauty and attraction to one another, due to the change of the product now being a feminine spray for men. The advert focuses mainly on capturing the attention of the audience and with the use of fast sequencing and up beat music it makes the audience more interested compared to other adverts. It is filled with entertainment as well having the sense of temptation of working out and smelling good at the same time.

The ideal message we were trying to portray to the target audience was that it was alright to have a sweet. feminine smelling scent instead of the thick and over the top sprays that a lot of men wear. It was to expand the range of products men had and to make it easier for them to not have a spray that was "too much" for them. To get this message across we focused on showing a lot of working out before showing a more entertaining side which enhanced men to see that you can be manly but be feminine too. We made our male actor work out to show the male representations and then had him wear make up to show this feminine spray could be used for guys as well.
I believe that our advert overall is fit for purpose due to how it looks professionally done with all the editing shots put together well with the help of music and sound fx. Referring back to BCAP I can see that our advert does not present any physical, mental or social harm to anyone under the age of 18 and focuses on not portraying any offense to social, cultural or religious groups. We kept our advert simple and made it humourous in order not to offend anyone or any age.

Personal Reflection

I find that the final advertisement was a lot more better than what the original intentions within the group due to being uncertain of the advert as a whole. When it came to discussing the advert we were uncertain on who would act out the particular piece and what we were adding into the advert. For the first few weeks we focused on doing just the pre-production paperwork and allowed the group member who thought of the idea originally and presented it to the class to think of the shot list and the storyboard. After they had roughly laid out and discussed what would be a good idea for the advert and we began to focus the requirements we would need for the advert. Looking back at the beginning of the course we set out on creating an advert for a Unilever product but made it suite a different target audience. The Unilever presentations helped us to see what each of our groups ideas was and helped us to see which one would be the most successful product to work with. When looking back at the paperwork we did for the Impulse advert we saw that it had met quite a few of our expectations due to being very precise with what we wanted to get shot with the camera. Shooting was our main importance and every scene that we wanted to get down we would write it throroughly within the storyboard and shot list. The editing helped us to focus a lot on appealing to our target audience with making it catchy and a memorable advert due to it being fast paced and up beat. It was also different to a lot of adverts seen on the tele and we wanted to make it recognisable and eye catching due to the serious and entertaining aspects provided.
When it came to reflecting back on the piece we got our tutor and each member of our group to see what could be done to improve it and add to the advert to make it as entertaining and eye catching as we could. For this we focused on a lot of retakes as well making sure that the scenes all flowed nicely together throughout the editing. The whole editing process exceeded our expectations of the advert all together and we were pleased with the overall outcome.
If our group was to do the advery again I think we would make sure all the scenes were focused on the areas we wanted to film and not blurry or had little lighting within the shot. The only thing that I would want to add into the advert would be some dialogue at the end to make it more appealing to the audience and more rememberable like Monkey from PG Tips continuously saying in his adverts to "Keep it Tea".
Overall for my own involvement in the project I believe I had done a fair amount of the work and I was pleased with every part of the work I did. When it came to the paperwork side I focused on the equipment list, the props and costume list as well as doing half of the storyboard with Neve. I also gathered all of the paperwork and scanned it into the computer and sent it to all the members in my group to allow them to write the post regarding the work.
When it came to shooting the piece I helped to provide a range of ideas and helped the actor to understand what we were doing in the shot and how we had to film it. We all were the director of the advert and helped each other to get the correct camera angle that we needed. The only thing I did not have that much involvement in was the editing. When it came to doing the editing I helped to place the correct scenes in order as well as getting any retakes we needed if the scenes did not work with the current advert we already had. If I was to do any of this again I would like to do more editing within the group to be able to learn more when using Adobe Premier Pro CC.

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