Wednesday 13 April 2016

Post Production Paperwork

Initial Post and Shot List
Our idea was a guy actor working out in the gym and when using Impulse spray he was able to show his feminine side. This showed the audience that a female spray can be placed for a manly spray as well.
When it came to doing the production work, our group focused on splitting the work between us so we all had an equal share to do. The first thing done was the shot list showing each of the moves, camera angles and music placed in each particular scene. Each narrative shows what the actor is doing and how it will be shot towards the audience. An example of this would be the first scene located in the gym where the actor is having to work out with equipment with intense music being played in the background. (Done by Neve)

For the storyboard we all focused on what we wanted to have shown within the advert and used this as a main resource when filming. The storyboard shows the details of where the location was, what we filmed and the shot list number. We also provided drawings to show the movement of the actor when filming the shot. (Done by Neve and Rebecca)

Production Schedule
The next item on our list to work on was the production schedule. This showed us the particular dates and times we were meant to be filming in certain locations. For the first few lessons we filmed in the gym and for the next two lessons we focused on the hallway and changing room scenes. We then added a final lesson to get any retakes needed for our film incase any were not up to standards. On  the sheet also it specified what equipment, props and characters were needed for each particular shoot date and who was in the production team. (Done by Rebecca)

For the budgeting we had to write about where our starting location and finishing location was to portray the amount of miles taken to do the filming and work. In this case we started and finished within the college grounds and did all of our filming within the college premises. We also had to write down what we would have to purchase, how much that would cost and the total cost of the production which totaled in our group as being only £1. (Done by Joe)

Talent Release FormOur idea was based on one particular male character so for the adult release forms we had one member of our group write down their details and agree to the filming within the production. The remains on the group helped focus on the locations, editing, paperwork for the production as well as filming the scenes. After the talent had agreed and written down their details for the production, we had a member of the team agree to the filming of this person allowing us to begin filming. (Done by Remi)

Location ReccesAs we got our idea we began to think of the required locations needed for this production. After discussing it as a group we found that the main three areas within the college was the gym, the hallway and the changing rooms. For each sheet we had to write information of where the filming site would be as well as the opening times of the location. (Done by Remi)

Location Releases
The location releases allowed us to have permission to work within the acquired areas that we wanted to film. Each one we did we had to name the members of our group, the reason of our filming and when we would be filming the scenes. When it came to finishing this part of the paperwork, a member of our group had to sign the form to accept the conditions of the release and find owner or worker of the located filming place. An example of this would be the gym location release form where we had the gym supervisor read and agree to the form which allowed us to film within that location area. (Done by Joe)

Prop and Costume List and Equipment ListThe next piece of work we did within the group was knowing what props and costumes were needed within the film. After discussing the idea of the film we began to write down the potential items that we would need such as gym clothes, spray bottle and gym bag. With this we wrote the items down in a list including a list of the equipment we need throughout the time of filming. Examples of this would be camera, tripod and 50mm lens. (Done by Rebecca)

Risk Assessment Form
The final piece of coursework that our group did was establishing the risks and problems that could be located whilst filming. For this we thought of potential problems that could happen and how we could resolve them. An example of this would be having too much of the product being sprayed and creating a lot of fumes within the area of filming. This would cause a hazard to staff and crew members if they had asthma and would be advise to have medication on them at all times, to not be so close to the product when not in use and for the product to not be used repeatedly when not filming. (Done by Remi)

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