Tuesday 17 May 2016


My idea for the three minute documentary is people recalling back on the events that happened on 9/11. Throughout my documentary I would have people discuss where they were when 9/11 happened and what there response was too it. I would also provide real footage of the encounter as well as photos of the event taking place.
My documentary is Observational due to not having the director appear in the documentary and is more centered on the particular topic it is discussing.
It would be a docudrama but also educational due to knowing the emotional and physical impact for people who witnessed this.
My aim for this documentary is to allow people to see how 9/11 is still a significant event that happened many years ago and how so many people are still affected by its results. What I hope to achieve from this is a more dramatic documentary that portrays emotion from the interviewee towards the audience and show that even after time some things arent able to be forgotten.
Dependant on who I would interview I would either remain within the college or ask people that are outside the college grounds.
For the production team I would need someone for the camera and someone to ask the questions to the interviewee whilst filming the piece. We would not need any experts only witnesses that can recall the historical moment that happened in America.
Example questions that would be asked to the interviewee would be: Where were you when 9/11 happen? What can you remember seeing and doing when you heard the news? What were your instant thoughts and reactions to this horrible encounter?
For this production we would need a camera, tripod, microphone and factual footage of the incident of 9/11 occuring. Other things we would need would be a place to interview the person we are talking to and there surroundings that are beside them. All of our equipment that is needed for the documentary is available from the AV room and we would not need to buy anything into the production. The proposed budget would be kept to a minimum as much as possible and would only have costs when it came to travel if we chose to not have the location of the production within the college premises.
To conclude on my proposal, we discussed our ideas as a class to get further ideas and responses to the ideas. Each person discussed what there idea was and what they planned to do before having responses to how they felt about the idea and anything we could add or improve the documentary. After discussing my idea with the class I have decided to focus on the impact the event has had on people and asking where they were when 9/11 happened and how it initially made them feel.

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